You are maybe curious about this phrase "Animation of the Quranic concept", which is one of the Arab’s way of explaining how they interpret the Quran. As English and Arabic definitions, Let cross its meaning to the prophet name of John according to the Arabic narrative. As the Arabic and English definitions, Let cross its (The animation of the Quranic idea) meaning to the prophet name of John according to the Arabic narrative.To start with , Here is the verse from Quran:
"Oh John, Yahya! holds and Keeps steadfast to the Taurat (Torah), the scripture the written word."
Yahya is a prophet, but the given name at the blessed behest of Allah name animates the concept as the aspect of Arab is to make the meaning out alive. To illustrate the Quranic idea, saying the phrase : " Yahyawi the Quran" is another way to make the Quran's pictures alive. Yahyawi deemed as the verb of name, the prophet Yahya , as his holy name provided at Allah's command. Terminology, the Arabic word of Yahya is eternal life or the making of post-life after death.
By Yahyawinig the Quran (or animating the Quranic concept), the only Medinah people (who attached to Harbi environment) as they can bring with the notion.The engagement of truly Arab culture carries the meaning to life.
Yahyawi means the verb of Yahya or the action of the continuous of life. Quran means Qur'an or Koran the holy Arab scripture which comprises of Turat and Bible as well as the wise's Luqman magazine and psalm of prophet's Moh (Or, applications of Arb language).